easy teasy  

 I know Mr. Forgione will claim this doesn't count as he's seen most of the boards already, but here's a little image from a project I'm working on. Clicky for biggie.

Her name is Suzy Backwards, and basically she's got her head on backwards. Yup.


Since I've started drawing more and more, feeling more comfortable in my skin with a pencil in hand, I've noticed I've been writing a great deal less. It feels as if the brain atrophies after a certain amount of time spent doing other activities. Or maybe a drawing just encapsulates so much life experience that the writing process, which is essentially a step by step disassembly of experience in short form, seems trite and disrespectful by comparison. Or maybe I'm just getting lazy.

I have a strong urge to make a film, which teeters between animation via drawing and animation via whatever else. "emerge" was fun, but a one off. I'm done with Machinima. It's too molasses a medium for me; shapeless and expressionless. More and more I want to do something AfterEffects-y, using collage and scrapbooking and the like. Like a synthesis project rather than a de-constructive panel-by-panel storyboard. Maybe the summation of relationships using pieces of physical objects tied to those relationships. Something with a more arcane process, like the way pf works or worked back when we were in Hoboken.

ahhhh, reflection.


Posted: Thursday - October 11, 2007 at at 09:37 PM     |
