been a long time been a long time 

 So I've been pretty busy working at Brandissimo! doing storyboards / design / animation / After Effects / FCP / Flash / Actionscripting. Most of what we do is completely owned by the NFL, so I don't get to show really any of it on a public space. But yes, I'm actually doing work and gettin' paid for it. 

I'm trying to draw much more. It's tough, being at a small company that's extremely busy. You get dragged in many different places. But that's life.

Lots of things have happened in the interim. I just finished (I think) a short called "45 Seconds to Heartbreak", which is exactly what it sounds like. More on that upcoming.  I met a girl, joined Facebook, yadda yadda. It's my goal to be more social in the new year. It's slowly comin'.

This is the development process from the most recent Gum or Mints assignment. 

I started off basically just by doodling. I knew I wanted her to be an ugly-ish character, to contrast with the beauty of the story. As I wrote on GoM, "I find it hard to empathize with beautiful characters in films. To me there's something truer and more beautiful about a slightly ugly character going through hardships and discovering beauty in the end. A pretty girl is told throughout her life that she's pretty, an ugly character is mostly ignored and has to find their own way."


For some reason Chowder popped in there a little. But it wasn't working. So on to page 2...


(No, she's not being hit by a spiritual laser or anything. I guess I saved the PSD with an errant brushstroke) Here I sort of lost focus on the assignment, was looking for a direction and just doodled. Maybe it was just "warming up". I went back to that first page, found that I had hit what I actually wanted, and elaborated on it. Hence, the final piece:


That's it. More to come about films, etc later.


Posted: Saturday - January 12, 2008 at at 08:20 PM     |
