uneducated film opinion

million dollar baby

million dollar baby

the information i gleaned from the trailer:
- about boxing.
- southern tailer-park feel.
- morgan freeman says "you just protected yourself out of a championship".
- clint plays his brooding self.
- ebert loved it.

who i guessed the characters were:
- eastwood is an ex-pro boxer and ex-con.
- hilary swank is a driven ex-hick who has all but abandoned her abusive family.
- morgan freeman reprises his role from Shawshank and plays the ex-cellmate of eastwood.

what i guessed would happen:
- swank, with nothing to lose, comes to eastwood, who is reknown for his ability to train male champions, to train to become the next.
- eastwood rejects; he doesn't train girls.
- swank perseveres, it is revealed Eastwood is familyless.
- eastwood, in frustration, agrees to take her on to be champion.
- in the process of taking her to become champion, they fall in love: eastwood has not felt love since his family abandoned him when he went to jail.
- eastwood, on the verge of success with swank, backs off.
- an argument ensues, why is he backing off?
- it is revealed that when he was just about to break, he was arrested for molesting his daughter; he is a pedophile.
- eastwood is a pedophile because his father forced him to train at an early age, suppressing his sexual habits. boxing was an out for his testosterone overload. but this is not revealed to swank
- swank, used to the abusive mindset, does not care but still loves him.
- love scene
- next morning, as she is about to leave for a series of matches, he realizes it was a mistake. he leaves.
- she, furious, goes on her tour.
- three months into the tour, swank realizes she has not had her time of the month.
- she contacts eastwood, who has been watching her from afar.
- she is pregnant, on the virge of the title fight.
- therefore, million dollar baby refers not to swank, but to swank's unborn child that could cost her the championship.
- therefore, eastwood must struggle with the desire for the daughter he never had vs. wanting a champion / afraid of succumbing to molesting the child or raising an f-ed up kid, in light of his handling of affairs with swank.

the ending...
- eastwood decides he wants to have the baby in order to redeem himself as a human.
- it is revealed that swank knew that eastwood was a pedophile, knew his history of seduction, and seduced him in order to become pregnant.
- swank carries the baby through the championship, allowing it to take blows for her in the abdomen.
- the baby is aborted
- swank reveals this was her plans all along : "it's only when you lose everything that you can gain anything."


Posted: Friday - January 14, 2005 at at 10:38 PM     |
