
NPR's Lakshmi Singh, I love you and want to make sweaty love to you.

When you discuss the recent developments in the medical history of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, I want to gently carees your [imagined] bosoms.

When you seductively slither sweet stories of Swedish Suicide rates and Gross National Products of third-world countries, I get wobbly all in the netherregions.

And when you sign off from your regularly scheduled 10-mintute newsbreaks in the middle of Car Talk, my heart sinks a couple inches deeper into the putrid pluff mud that is my lonliness.

How I wish you would return all my love.

Some scans from a new project. I'm just storyboarding to build the portfolio. I'm not ready to make anything right now.

Posted: Sunday - January 08, 2006 at at 09:47 PM     |
